

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Apparently the concept of mass mind control has been mastered by our keepers.

We know for a fact that 1. World Trade #7 was imploded. 2 Barack Obama was placed in office by those who control Washington (his birth Certificate and his voter registration were proven without a doubt to be a fakes!) 3 The "news media" ignore anything that might make the government look obviously corrupt. 4 The constitution has ceased to be the law of the land 5 We are getting gun registration when we don't even have a national voter registration, 6 Forty Six Senators voted FOR the UN Small Arms Treaty 7 AGW has been proven decisively to  have been fabricated and yet is still harped on by government and the media as causing almost every bad thing. 8 Anyone, who might possibly stand in the way of total government takeover, is being demonized. 9 We have basically open borders and a government that just cant seem to do anything about it. 10. we have no energy policy while we waste $Trillions and thousands of lives fighting imaginary enemies in oil rich countries... The list is endless, but the point is, we are becoming serfs but no one wants to ADMIT our country and our constitution have been hijacked. Our government is totally bought and paid for and we are being drained of everything we once had- dignity and the right to pursue happiness without the government deciding what we can and cannot do, buy or own.
Many will say that these things aren't true and that is my point.

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