

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Science meets Truth

Unlocking the Mysteries of Life
Blogs, articles and books about either evolution or Theistic Evolution will tell you that "virtually all" respected scientists agree that bio-complexity does not pose a threat to Darwinism. This is quite obviously not true. Just as in the case of 'Global Warming',they are telling you to 'pay no attention to the man behind the curtain'.
It is, thankfully, the last dying gasp of a worn out theory.


  1. Hey Jim,

    Can you explain further about the dying gasp
    of a worn out theory? Not sure what you
    are referring to? I have been reading about
    how the world has already changed and the old theories are no longer in operation.

    Your Old Friend,

  2. Thanks for the comment. Read the next post down called "Darwin Predicts the End of Evolution"
    Just because the "media" says something is true doesn't mean you don't have to do your own research to find out the truth.
    There are many, many holes in the theory.
    Please respond after you read it (or even if you don't)

  3. I was raised a Catholic therefore had a strong religous influence. Later on I questioned all religions while becoming an engineer and becoming "scientized". I adopted a spiritual approach to life unaffiliated with any organized religion.

    However I now am coming to question science
    and believe in the power of pure FAITH.
    It is with this faith that I believe the world operates on ... Not on science.


Feedback and debate are welcome!