

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Science, God and You--It's All Coming Together!

Science God and You--It's all coming together!

      It was around what we call, 1983 that I wrote a song called “Your Attitude’s Will.” I know, you never heard of it—it was never published, but in it were the lines:
                 You’ve got to believe, for dreams to be found,
                 That the world comes from us, not the other way ‘round.

      That was the beginning of my enlightenment—ha ha. Actually, it was the beginning of over twenty-five years of struggling to understand what the heck it meant-- if it meant anything at all. In 2012, twenty-nine years later, I read about Dr. Robert Lanza’s new theory called, Biocentrism (www.robertlanza.com/biocentrism-how-life-and-consciousness-are-the-keys-to-understanding-the-true-nature-of-the-universe/). This is nothing less than a plausible answer to the quest for an overarching theory to connect the incompatible theories of physics and quantum mechanics with a workable “theory of everything.”   
 “Biocentrism completes this shift in worldview, turning the planet
 upside-down again, this time with the revolutionary view that life creates the
 universe instead of the “other way ‘round.’” 

 The urgent and primary questions of the universe have been undertaken by those physicists who are trying to explain the origins of everything with grand unified theories. But as exciting and glamorous as these theories are, they are an evasion, if not a reversal, of the central mystery of knowledge: that the laws of the world were somehow created to produce the observer. And more important than this, that the observer in a significant sense creates reality and not the other way around. Recognition of this insight leads to a single theory that unifies our understanding of the world.”

     Along the way, of course, I stumbled upon many other ideas from many highly intelligent people who helped get me out of the mental box in which most of us dwell.
     After turning over a multitude of spiritual rocks, including Dianetics and Scientology, A Course in Miracles, Ram Dass’ Be Here Now and the Bhagavad  Gita, I came full circle from my Christian upbringing, back to take a second look at the Bible. Today’s secular humanists and atheists like to paint all religion and particularly the Bible as the mythology of ignorant people. But is it that simple? The Bible covers the whole story of life, from creation to the existence of the duality between what seems physical and the spiritual realm. It is quite sophisticated in its careful articulation of creation to reunion with God—and far ahead of secular science.
     Mary Baker Eddy, founded the Christian Science movement in the mid 1800s, by discovering through her “self-healing” and study of the Bible, that:
                  “The verity of Mind shows conclusively how it is that matter
                   seems to be but is not. Divine Science, rising above physical
                   theories, excludes matter, resolves things into thoughts, and replaces
                   the objects of material sense with spiritual ideas.”

      And that:
                    “If God, the all-in-all, be the creator of the spiritual universe, including
                    man, then everything entitled to a classification as truth, or Science,
                    must be comprised in a knowledge or understanding of God.”

     I presume, since she lived before the term “quantum mechanics” was even coined in Germany in 1924, (she died in 1922) that she was unaware or unaffected by Hebrews 11:3:
                    By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word
                    of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.

     Had she lived in a slightly later time and had the benefit of the scientific discoveries and theories of the rest of the twentieth century, she could have made an even stronger case for the totally spiritual or “non-physical” nature of reality. As it was, she had to confine her radical theory to the realm of mind-over-matter, through spiritual healing. Due to the inconsistent and unpredictable degree of “spirituality” among subjects, the results included many failures along with the successes. Sadly, many of the failures were children, heaping much guilt, ridicule and legal action upon the already grieving parents.
     Regardless, she was very advanced in “understanding” that at the quantum level, there is no mass and, as many scientists are coming to believe, consciousness controls reality.
This is an extremely precarious time for the “there is no supernatural” crowd. Science has long had a stranglehold over the true potential of a science to include the truth that something created whatever the universe really is. It seems so obvious, especially since humanistic science let the “Big Bang” cat out of the bag. They actually had to admit that they could not explain how their ‘evolution’ started—they said the universe was created from NOTHING, and then “the church” let them get away with the cosmology that the universe was expanding away from… what?--NOTHING. And NOTHING came from an intelligence outside of our own? Right? No—NOTHING! Now they’re leaning toward life came from aliens, perhaps Glieseians? Let’s ignore that one.
     And so if Dr. Robert Lanza, one of the most lauded scientists of our age, says that our consciousness creates the universe, what implications does that have. Being deeply entrenched in the “mainstream” of science Dr. Lanza is certainly being careful not to tread on “the science of evolution.” Even though he says clearly and often that there is absolutely no chance that humans on earth exist by chance, he firmly denies the possibility of “intelligent design.” But, what does “our consciousness creates the  universe” and “we didn’t get here by chance” really mean, but we’re at the center of our universe and we didn’t create it so there must be a creator.
      And further, what did world-renowned physicist Max Planck mean when he said, while receiving the Nobel Prize for physics?:

      “As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, the study   of matter, I can tell you as the result of my research about atoms this much: there is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must observe behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”

      Think a Sun-centered universe is rock solid science? Ph.Ds such as Gerald Bouw, Robert J. Bennett, Robert Sungenis and others have all put forward convincing and substantial arguments that not only is geocentrism (the earth at the center of the solar system) possible, but moreover, Geocentrism (the earth at the center of the universe) is not only possible but could solve many issues that conventional astro-physics cannot. Even well known physicists, Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein have admitted that the difference between a sun centered solar system and an earth centered system is a philosophical one not a scientific one—either one could be true. “Science” is just not willing to go there. Will you let the inevitable ridicule by the scientific establishment keep you from considering other ideas?
     Those philosophers and theologians who have for many centuries had the sense to know that something created the universe, i.e., that it didn’t birth itself in perfect order from nothing, have allowed themselves to be pushed into the dustbin of geo-politics and relegated to the sidelines as purveyors of mythology. This, ironically enough, while “science” has itself avoided the label of religion, even as it insists on upholding improvable and purely philosophical theories. Dr. Lanza puts it like this:
“Despite such things as the development of superconducting supercolliders containing enough niobium-titanium wire to circle the earth 16 times, we understand the universe no better than the first humans with sufficient consciousness to think. Where did it all come from? Why does the universe exist? Why are we here? In one age, we believe that the world is a great ball resting on the back of a turtle; in the next, that a fairy universe appeared out of nowhere and is expanding into nothingness. In one age, angels push and pummel the planets about; in another age, everything is a meaningless accident. We exchange a world-bearing turtle for a big bang.” 

     So, it seems to me now, that much of the reluctance to believe in, and the outright rejection of the Bible as a chronicle of truth, has more to do with the religious garb in which it is cloaked and the fallen, deceitful behavior of humans, than to do with its theology and science. Has the Bible had it right all along?

     After all, it did express understanding of quantum mechanics two thousand years ago when it stated, “The world was not made of things that are visible.” The new science is on the brink of proving that the universe is actually some kind of holographic, fractal projection of our “group consciousness.” And it is so perfectly arranged--with over 200 criteria which had to be perfect for life to exist at all-- that it had to have a purposeful and intelligent beginning.
     Today, the frightening news is that the rapidly deepening gulf between, on one side, the increasing control and corruption of the materially powerful, and on the other, the development of real science and thought toward truths and the communication of these ideas over the internet, will change things in a big way—one way or the other.
     Those in control-- those who own the banks, those who run the military-industrial complex and those who have made religion, entertainment and media into a mind-game for the oppression of the masses, will have to up the ante—and soon, if they are going to fulfill their agenda. They will need to put a stop to independent science and to the internet. Of course they have been keeping tabs on independent science to some degree, all along. They nipped those free-energy, energy-from-water and levitation guys in the bud. Many of those renegades have disappeared. I have no doubt that there are conversations going on in board rooms all over the globe daily, to the effect that “the internet has gotten way out of hand.” There is a move afoot, along with the  idiotic, “controlling of the climate” on a global governance platform, to turn the “administration” of the internet over to the UN as well. However, there are people all over the planet, who may not have, in the past, given a second thought to politics, much less geo-politics, but who are are now screaming “Audit the FED” and “Stop Agenda 21!”
     People are discovering the correlations between increasing sickness and pharmaceuticals, between war, false-flags and resource piracy and between the charades of Democrat and Republican puppet administrations in the U.S.

     Do you believe in the “accidental” theory of history—that things just happen. Or do you believe in the “cause and effect” conspiracy theory—that historical events are made to happen for the benefit of those in control. Which side is the conspiracy really on? It is clear now that there are those in control, (you know the ones who give bonuses to bankers for bringing down the world economy). So, if they’re in control then they surely must be controlling something.
      False flag attacks have for many years succeeded in controlling the masses. Need a war in southeast Asia?-- invent the sinking of a ship in the gulf of Tonkin; need a war on ‘terror’ and the middle east?-- make believe nineteen Arabs with box-cutters took down three WTC towers and the pentagon with two air-liners; need to inoculate millions with some mind-numbing, highly profitable drug?-- invent the swine flu. The “state” had better get the guns away from the citizens before it’s too late! They’re trying, but those darn internet-raving, constitution-waving crazies are slowing the process down.
     The cauldron of humanity is beginning to boil here in the early years of the new millennium. Control mongers will need to put a, most-likely violent, end to the rapidly expanding new developments in science and information flow that indicate both an intelligence outside of our universe and the long-term politicization of science. If they do, it will usher in a new “really dark age.” If they fail, humanity may succeed in finally overthrowing the tyranny of corrupt secular humanism and bringing in a renaissance like the world has never known. Which will it be?
     No One Knows.                                                        Jim Gleeson  2014

Jim Gleeson’s new novel, No One Knows, is available now at www.createspace.com/4830597
 His previous work, Judges Kings &; Pirates is available at www.createspace.com/3570414