What is it called when someone repeats and spreads soundbites he or she hears on the radio or television (or Facebook) without knowing whether it is true- much less, investigating its meaning or source? Well, I call it "fribbling." It just sounds right and this essentially dishonest and careless activity needs to be recognized and given a name. Fribbling has actually become the principal activity of what used to be called the journalists of the main-stream media. If the story line furthers your agenda it is worth repeating. This is true of both the left and the right. There is also something called "reverse fribbling." This is when someone with responsibility to tell the truth, leaves out something that is true but that would go against their agenda. With the liberalization of academia and the media, fribbling and reverse fribbling have become the great un-equalizer. If they say it often enough (and they do) it becomes "true."
This is how man-made global warming became "true." This is how a ridiculous theory of evolution became "true." This is how liberals get elected.